Step 2: Installing Flaskerize

We’re now ready to install Flaskeriez. Let’s use pip to do just that…

pip install flaskerize

Once this command has completed we’ll have installed Flaskerize along with its dependencies. If you want to see the packages that were installed, run the following command:

pip list

This should show you something like this…

$ pip list
Package      Version
------------ -------
appdirs      1.4.3
Click        7.0
Flask        1.1.1
flaskerize   0.12.0
fs           2.4.11
itsdangerous 1.1.0
Jinja2       2.10.1
MarkupSafe   1.1.1
pip          19.2.3
pytz         2019.2
setuptools   40.8.0
six          1.12.0
termcolor    1.1.0
Werkzeug     0.16.0


The exact versions shown here may differ from the ones you see when you install flaskerize.

You should now have access to the fz command, verify this with fz --help, which should display something like the following:

$ fz --help
usage: fz [-h] {attach,bundle,generate} [{attach,bundle,generate} ...]

positional arguments:
                        Generate a new resource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit